I watched Avengers: Age of Ultron…and I had a great time [Spoiler-free]

Like the title said.

Actually, I watched it twice. Once in digital 2D on the first day it came out (Apr 23) and another time in IMAX 3D two days ago.


Truth be told, it wasn’t exactly up to my expectations in terms of plot and action sequences. However the easy playful banters and GREAT script really made up for it and I still found it worthwhile to watch a second time in IMAX 3D no less. I think it’s suffice to say about my experience that I left the theater with a huge smile on my face.


In trying to stick to a non-spoilery reviewish post, I am not going to talk about any of the plot points NOT presented in the trailer. All of you will get the chance to watch the film when it’s finally released in the (almost) last place on earth, North America anyway (yeah it’s usually the other way round, so suck that). Well maybe not all, there’s China, Japan, Hungary and Poland. Especially Japan, I swear that place always has the latest release date. When I was there, I couldn’t even watch How To Train Your Dragon 2 on big screens for an entire 2 months. Devastating.


So as you know, the story kicks off when Tony Stark builds a peacekeeping AI program called Ultron, aimed at protecting the Earth when the Avengers can’t. And as most stories with AIs go, it went rogue. And now the Avengers have to stop him. Yep, way to go Tony.

No. Don’t you look at me with those big watery eyes. Not gonna work. Nope. *squirms*

Although I didn’t like the way Ultron came into being; that entire scene was a little confusing for me in terms of his motivation, but James Spader’s superb performance just stole my breath away. Before, when I watched the clip of Ultron, Wanda and Pietro battling Iron Man, Cap and Thor, I had been surprised because I thought Ultron didn’t sound as good as what I imagined from the trailers.

It can’t be further from the truth. His deep menacing voice with this slightly sarcastic drawl and sometimes emotional outbursts actually makes a truly terrifying combination. It manages to break the clichéd deep voice some villains have. And in a way, it kind of reminded me of Heath Ledger’s Joker, but with more coherence and rage.


Meanwhile, there’s the emergence of twins Wanda and Pietro Maximoff AKA Scarlett Witch and Quicksilver, who were experimented on by Baron von Strucker (as we saw in the end credits of CA2: TWS). There was a whole back story of why they were initially on the side of Ultron. Pretty powerful stuff but in my opinion badly presented which took away some of the shock factor. Later, they  joined ranks with the Avengers and fought against Ultron instead.


Of course, the other thing that fans have been waiting for, in midst of squealing and flailing around, is the birth of Vision. I, for one, had been DYING to see Paul Bettany’s Vision. His JARVIS has already captured my soul, especially in IM3, so Vision was definitely one of the highlights for me in the film. The way he came to existence was just slightly weird, but the rest of the scene was pretty amazing. And of course, Paul Bettany is a gem and I absolutely fell in love with how he brought the character to life.


Another highlight for me was the ease in which the Avengers now interact with each other and the friendly banter among them. We got a glimpse of that in the trailer where they were trying to lift Thor’s hammer. There’s probably a funny remark every 5 minutes or so during the movie, and TONS of references to Marvel comic and movie universes. So needless to say, I had a blast trying to spot all those easter eggs. I feel bad for people who are not as familiar with the different universes though, they probably will not enjoy the movie as much as I did.


And of course, Steve/Tony banter as required of all Avengers films. And some Steve/Tony tension which we got a glimpse of in the log chopping scene. It will set the tone for the Captain America 3: Civil War movie (I CAN’T WAIT ANYMORE!! WHY IS IT STILL A YEAR AWAY?)


So the Avengers went along merrily fighting Ultron armies and trying to keep the team together. Since Ultron essentially a computer program, it can go online and be in multiple physical bodies at once, so we have this army of Ultrons attacking the Avengers. It made for some really cool action sequences toward the end.

AOU 10

There IS a tragic death of a major character, as Joss Whedon has confirmed. I’m not going to delve into this to prevent giving too much away, but I’ll talk about it in a more detailed review with spoilers later.

All in all, it was a fun movie. I guess my greatest disappointment was that there was not enough plot and character development. This was supposed to be a more intricate story than the first Avengers movie, but the run time was 1 minute shorter, so it was expected I guess. But I would rather he did a longer movie and laid more groundwork for the next few movies in Phase 3, which are going to be pretty big and complicated, especially for people without knowledge of the comics.

AOU 11

Maybe it was due to the short length, but Joss Whedon managed to keep the movie going at a good pace and there was not a dull moment at all. The whole experience was pretty exhilarating and nothing seemed draggy or anything. Joss Whedon’s witty quips really made the movie that much more fun. We got to see the snarky side of some of the Avengers. And of course, Tony Stark, as always the star of hilarious one-liners, shines yet again. Chris Evans his lover puts it best when explaining Marvel movies:

AOU 12AOU 13

So I say again, I really did have a good time, so much so that I was willing to pay another 20 bucks to see the IMAX 3D version. But it didn’t satisfy me completely and only left me craving for more.

May 6, 2016 seems so far away. 😥


Avengers: Age of Ultron trailers and teasers [Media heavy and possible spoilers!]

My last post was really angtsy, wow. Anw this post is going to all kinds of light-hearted and fangirling over Avengers: Age of Ultron.

I managed to get this in before the release date tomorrow (here where I live). *sweats*

So Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer 3. It’s actually been out for almost forever, but I’ve been putting it off…BUT good news is I still got it in before the April 23 release date here, so accomplishment unlocked.

Warning: Image and video heavy. There will be spoilers ahead for all previous Marvel movies (Iron Man 1 2 3, Captain America 1 2, Thor 1 2, Avengers 1) AND possible spoilers for Avengers: Age of Ultron.

First, here is trailer 3 for Avengers: Age of Ultron:

Finally, after months and months of waiting, we are treated to a >2 minutes trailer/teaser. God knows how excited I was and how many times I have already re-watched this. It’s awesome because they’ve pretty much incorporated all the previous teasers into this one giant compilation and threw in some extras too.


In this, we see Ultron being all God-like and sitting in his own throne in an abandoned castle. And we see the first instance (likely) of the twins approaching him to join him in his evil conquest (though they went over to the good side in the end). Can me just take a minute and say at this point, I’m fanning myself from how incredibly dangerous and hot James Spader sound? *fans*


Moving on, stunned people, running/escaping people and explosions occur, as is customary of every action movie trailers. Then more explosions and buildings collapse which is awesome.



Start fangirl squealing, because that shit looks REALLY dope. Like tall-ass-sleek-building-with-quinjet-landing-pad dope. Though I am kind of bummed that they removed the Iron Man landing pad, cos the armor-removing mechanism in place was pretty cool in the first movie.

Then cue RDJ AKA Tony Stark speaking in their awesomely sexy voice of his. And SCIENCE BROS!!! Gotta love that duo, so much chemistry and so adorable together. And science and intelligence is always sexy. (Also has everyone seen that Jimmy Kimmel Avengers episode where they were staring lovingly into each other’s eyes? I. Died.)


Of course, Cap is next. “I’m sick of watching people pay for our mistakes” he said in voice over. Which is interesting considering how this was EXACTLY why Tony took the side he did in Civil War. Accountability man. I wonder if there’s any reason behind this line, because we all know this film is going to be setting the tones for the Civil War movie.


We see Cap running forward to…try and pull a car away from the edge I think…? But the back bumper he was holding onto broke off and the car fell. I’m not actually sure if he’s trying to pull the car from the edge or breaking off the bumper on purpose to let the car fall, since his expression didn’t seem stunned or frustrated when the bumper broke off. It seems more logical if he was trying to pull the car from the edge, because if my eyes are seeing correctly, there seems to be someone in the car. And it would fit better with his voice over (in quotes above).

Next is the famous log scene! My favorite scene, although they didn’t show the ripping-log-with-bare-hands portion, which is hilariously hot. But we get to see a little of Evans’ shoulders in his too-tight shirt which is great. And Tony yet again bursting out another angry little tirade. “Isn’t why we fight so we can end the fight and go home?” The futurist in him really kicks in here and he’s thinking ten steps ahead of everyone else and frustrated that people can’t understand where he’s coming from. Of course add in his paranoia and fear from the little aliens and wormhole episode and we have the Ultron program.


Adding a little log ripping here~

Then the biggest shock ever. Bruce and Natasha. Bruce. And. Natasha. Hulk. And. Black Widow. !!!!!


Now I know many people have been speculating this pairing since the first Avengers. I don’t know why I was still so surprised and completely not expecting it. Maybe it was because I was too caught up in the Clint/Natasha hints dropped throughout. I mean, how many things can actually emotionally shake Natasha like the news of Clint being compromised? And that little arrow necklace in CA:TWS? So sweet.


I don’t know how official the Brutasha pairing is yet, for all we know it can be a dream sequence or something (maybe Scarlet Witch?) and not actually true. And I don’t think Marvel will deal a hit to the Science Bros fandom like that…will they? I don’t know, it’s Marvel, shit happens.

Anw, cue Natasha sass at Tony’s reason behind the Ultron program. “Well, you amazingly failed.” Classic Natasha, I love it!


After this, there was a pretty cool scene of Hawkeye with his new arrows and quiver, very high tech probably courtesy of Tony. We also get to see this cheesy but awesome scene of all the Avengers charging forward in action.


Then the BAMF Black Widow bike scene we have already seen in previous clips.


There was also one of Tony grabbing Loki’s scepter, which I already spoiled for myself by reading the Age of Ultron kids  book they were selling in the bookstore. Apparently it happens right at the beginning, the Avengers break into a Hydra facility somewhere snowy to retrieve the scepter. That’s where all the snow scenes come from.



Avengers kids book with LOTS OF SPOILERS . It should be a sin.

It was amazingly spoiler-y, I think I actually have a really good idea of how the story will play out from the book. Not exactly sure if I’m happy or upset at that, I guess I hope the film will have some great dialogue to delight me. Which knowing Joss Whedon, there probably is.

I still crack up everytime at the Thor-flipping-hair-and-showing-lots-of-abs scene. Wonder if it’s a dig at the fan-made Thoreal advertisements which Hemsworth acknowledged in an episode of Conan.


Of course, the Avengers meet with Fury, in what seem like a secret hideout, cos that’s what superheroes in hiding do I guess. Fury once again gives prep talk about using wit and will and other motivational stuff with his own sassy Nick Fury twist.


Some scenes cut in between of Avengers vs. Ultron and twins and the initial fight in the snow.

And finally, the scene that had me clenching my heart and just dying.


Yea you tell him Cap.

How is this not a blatant Steve/Tony moment? The bromance-bordering-on-unresolved-sexual-tension. Steve raising his eyebrows in challenge at Tony. It’s such an in-your-face Steve/Tony fan service I can’t even…

Like I said before, I’m most certain that the people are Marvel are just playing on the fragile hearts of all the Marvel pairing shippers. They’re definitely trying to please all non-MCU-canon fandoms (Clint/Natasha, Bruce/Natasha, Bruce/Tony, Steve/Tony, Steve/Bucky, Thor/Loki)

Moving on, there’s more cool fighting scenes, and Natasha being a BAMF again by swinging by and picking up Cap’s shield. “I’m always picking up after you boys.”


#tht to 70s Captain America!

Then of course Hulkbuster armor vs. Hulk! This is what I’m looking to most!!! Gonna be such amazing action sequence I can already tell.


Science Bros in action!

And Natasha being mind-fucked by Scarlet Witch. Which strangely reminded me of the first Avengers movie when Clint asked Natasha if she ever had someone take her brain and play.


Then Cap being punched which was funnier than it should be. And Tony being grabbed by the throat. Again. (It happens to him in every single movie. Probably because of his snarky mouth)


More action sequences. Then Thor being Thor and going “Is that the best you can do?!” Hohohoho replied Ultron and we see heaps of sentinels rushing towards them like ants to a sugar donut. And Cap’s all exasperated like “You had to ask?” Hilarious and so typically Avengers.


Um, yea. Thor. No.

Then Avengers assemble and fight back to back again! And Hulk goes SMASH!


Bonus at the end: Vision



Dude, I’m really digging the look! It’s amazing how beautifully they brought Vision to the silver screens, so excited to see Paul Bettany in cinemas. And his voice!!! JARVIS!!! Love it so much. British accent is always sexier. :3

So I’ve already watched all trailers and teasers multiple times, and I’ve gotta say this trailer is the best! It highlights all the best parts and action sequences but without giving too much away.

Next I’m going to include several related videos which I don’t have time to go into details for. (Maybe I’ll come back and add on to this post later) I picked them out because they are the best to watch. Pay special attention to the Thor hammer scene, because I have a feeling that is actually foreshadowing. Maybe Cap or Natasha will pick up the hammer at some point later in the movie. I’ve also heard rumors that Vision may pick it up because of his purity. But like I said, rumor, so unconfirmed.

Also I included the TV spot 2 because Tony Stark is being Tony Stark and awesome in general.

In any case, enjoy:

TV Spot 2

“I just pay for everything..and design everything…and make everyone look cooler.”

Avengers globetrotting:

Avengers goofing around during takes:




Scarlett Johansson’s interview on red carpet and Chris Evans:


Robert Downey Jr.’s interview:

That’s all from me today, I’m about to drop dead so I really need to get to bed. I will do a quick update after I catch Age of Ultron tomorrow. So stoked!!!



About my obsession with Marvel and Steve/Tony ship [spoilers and image heavy!]

I initially started this to talk about the new Age of Ultron trailer, but I thought I needed to get my new obsession with Marvel and Steve/Tony (Stony) out of my system first, so this monster is created. AoU trailer will be discussed later.

Warning: image heavy and spoilers for Marvel movies and comics ahead.


I have finally graduated college, and right now my life is in the dreaded stage of job-hunting. Which isn’t so bad except Marvel and the Stony ship has taken over my life and I’m spending all my time reading slashy fanfiction instead of writing my cover letters like I should be.

(Someone please slap me and scream for me to get my shit together)

Anyway, in one last (I really need to stop now) act of procrastination, I’m going to talk a little a lot about how I became so obsessed with the Marvel fandom (in the last few months no less!) and how I completely switched from Steve/Bucky ship to Steve/Tony ship.

Tony v.s. Bucky! Who will win Cap's affections?

Tony v.s. Bucky! Who will win Cap’s affections? Source: apitnobaka on Tumblr

I had my first brush with Marvel last summer when a good friend dragged me to go movie hopping with her. (Please note I am not in any way encouraging this behavior and I am not liable for any decision any reader make regarding this!) It was nearing the end of the academic year so I was like why the hell not. So we went, and the movie I actually wanted to watch was Noah (which turned out to be really absolutely horrible). We checked out different movie times and decided to catch Captain America The Winter Soldier as well.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Source: Screen Rant

Now I have never been a big fan of superhero movies (other than Nolan’s Batman trilogy), and I have never seen Captain America: The First Avenger, so imagine how clueless I was going in. I thought that I will just enjoy the fast action sequences and not be bothered too much by the plot.

Holy shit.

When I walked out of the theater, I was about to sport a massive nosebleed. Let’s just say I was appropriately aroused and bothered by Chris Evans and all his muscles. They don’t call him dorito for nothin’.

Chris Evans as Captain America

Hey pretty boy with cute smile. Can I go out with your biceps. *leers* Source: Just Jared

The plot was pretty awesome too and I enjoyed the whole conspiracy-thing thrown in. Of course, like many  MCU and Captain America Movieverse fans, I completely fangirled over Stucky bromance.


START BAWLING Source: hiddlesy on Tumblr

Now at this point, I was completely clueless about Marvel and anything that has to do with it. The only Marvel superheros I knew at that point were Spiderman and the Hulk. There were MANY parts of the film which I didn’t understand. I went back and wiki-ed Captain America. And found out about the SEVEN OTHER FILMS in the universe. I promptly closed Google Chrome, shut down my laptop and went to bed.

No kidding though, I was intimidated by that number. But I told myself that I will watch them all SOMEDAY. Mainly because I’ve heard many good stuff about the Iron Man movies and I LOVED Robert Downey Jr. in Sherlock Holmes.

Fast forward another few months to Nov 2014. I was looking up some awesome fanart and just tumblr-ing when I came across this super adorable set of fanart with Avengers/Pokemon crossover.

Tony and his buddies

Tony and his buddies. Source: FerioWind on DA

Cap and his patriotic friends

Cap and his patriotic mates. Source: FerioWind on DA

At that time I knew who the Avengers were but I was very unfamiliar with them. So I thought “Hey this is awesome fanart, maybe I can find more cute fanart of the Avengers.” And on that fateful day, I discovered my first Thorki fanart. So one thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was full on devouring Thorki fanworks.


ANGST. AND INCEST (but not really) Source: Lehanan on DA

The next thing I did was watch the movies. I was still jittery about the thought of having to sit through SEVEN movies, so I moved through them at snail pace, preferring get my information online. Since I was all THORKI IS MY LIFE at that time I started with the Thor movies. Which was a struggle at first, because I remembered when the first Thor movie was out in theaters, I had looked at the poster with Chris Hemsworth on it and thought “Seems like a big blond jock douchebag. Nah I pass.” MISTAKE! Chris Hemsworth is like the sweetest and most adorable person ever! Just go watch his interviews. Not to mention his Auzzie accent. *faints*

And Tom Hiddleston.





Source: Tom Hiddleston’s twitter


Need I say more?

Back to the topic: so after watching the 2 Thor films, the Avengers film and all 3 Iron Man films, I found myself quickly enamored by Marvel Studios (And RDJ! The real Tony Stark!), but also thirsting for more Avengers action. I did what I knew how to do best, I looked up fanworks.

And boy oh boy. The Marvel/Avengers fandom has some of the most talented and dedicated fans I’ve ever seen, and it was AWESOME. I learned more about the comic verses as well and was very much fascinated by the whole Marvel Universe with all its complexities.

Then this happened:


Marvel Civil War Vol. 7


Steve x Tony 168

Marvel Civil War: The Confession. Tony Stark: “It wasn’t worth it”

This was the moment, ladies and gentlemen. This was the moment I boarded the Steve/Tony ship and never looked back.

The more I understood about the different comic verses, the more I’m convinced that Stony is my No 1 OTP. There are too many slashy angsty bromancy moments between them. Just check out this awesome board:

Steve x Tony 460

Source: coveredinsnow- on Tumblr

Every single one of those things listed up there either happened or was said by or about the two in Marvel canon.

Every. Single. One.

Now tell me again they don’t love each other.

The thing about canon Steve/Tony is that there is SO MUCH ANGST GAWD. THE FEELS…. It’s always “I’m not good enough for you” and “I’ll sacrifice myself for you” and “Let’s get into a fight because we can’t agree on something and then be all angsty about it and destroy the world in the process because all I want is to be happy with you.”

I swear my heart can’t take half the things Marvel throws at us.

And I’m convinced that the writers and drawers at Marvel ship Stony. Oh they totally do, with all the slashy canon moments. AND they made Fem!Tony and Steve in an alternate universe get married I. Um. Really? How much more obvious do you want them to be?


Iron Women and Captain America gets married IN COSTUME and avert the Civil War

If anyone needs anymore convincing, here are what two of the leading fans in the ship has come up with:

So here I am, completely and utterly obsessed with Steve/Tony. The crazy amount of talent in the fandom doesn’t help, I probably have a list of more than a hundred really really well-written Steve/Tony fanfics on my to-read list (feeds my procrastination well…).

In this process, Stony has really taken over my initial love for Stucky. And WARNING it’s going to be all fangirl-talk from now on: I think it’s because I sympathize with Tony so much more, and I just really really like him and want him to be happy. And Steve is good for him. I’m such a sucker for angtsy self-hating characters. Seriously though, all Tony ever does is engage in self-blame and being really snarky while doing everything to make things better for everyone at the expense of himself, and sometimes he makes stupid decisions and wrong calculations (not in the mathematical sense) and shit goes down and he engages in more self-blame. Tony Stark is a tragedy. And I love me a tragedy! 😀

Sadly, I can’t say the same for Steve: that Tony is good for him. I feel that fundamentally they have such different worldviews. Steve is so ready to look at the brighter side of the universe and see the good in people; and Tony holds a much darker and more cynical view. We already know they can’t agree on many things because of this. And knowing the mess that is Tony, and how both of them can be so fucking stubborn sometimes, everything will just end in arguments and fights. SO BOTH OF THEM JUST NEED TO TAKE A DAMN STEP BACK AND COMMUNICATE BETTER DAMNIT.

*breathes out*

But back to point, I’m not saying that I no longer think Steve/Bucky is a good pairing, because honestly from what I see in the movies (don’t actually know much about comic!Bucky so I can’t comment on that!), it feels that Steve will be really happy with Bucky (once he gets out of all the Hydra brainwash shit). I mean, Steve and Bucky will suffer through lots of tough times with all the PTSD and emotional baggage, but I feel that they are going to get through all of that together with each other’s support. And it’s going to be all sappy and romantic in the end.

Tony on the other hand will probably annoy the shit outta Steve, or dish out some dumbass self-sacrificing ploy again and destroy everything between them.

(Ok, I’m mixing MCU with comic verse, it’s all fan-girl talk, bear with me…)

So the way I see it, Steve/Tony’s romance is going to be one of those dramatic, passionate, breathtaking love affairs where they are both going to fall so hard and hurt so deep and if it (very likely) turns out bad in the end, everything between them will fall apart and shatter but they will never be able to forget each other for as long as they live.

And I LIVE and BREATHE for passionate romances like that.

That, is how and why I became obsessed with Marvel and Steve/Tony.

– tsukigao

**Please note, I don’t actually know too much about Marvel comic verse other than what I read online, and it’s a REALLY DAUNTING task to try and catch up on all the comics I need to fully understand the Avengers, so forgive me if I can’t do that in the few months I have discovered Avengers. All opinions expressed here are my own, and I know many Steve/Bucky fans and Steve/Tony fans have different interpretations, to which I say GO LET YOUR IMAGINATION RUN WILD!!! There’s really no right or wrong in fandom.

***All artwork do not belong to me and are used with permission from artists. Please click on image link to be redirected to source.